Birth Story of Lil Mr. Wild

Clarissa Wild News, Uncategorized 10 Comments

The birth story of Lil Mr. Wild Please note: this story contains triggers for those who have had C-Sections and/or medical interventions. On juli 17th, 1 am in the morning (amsterdam time), I suddenly began feeling a wave of pain in my back. At first, I didn’t know what it was, and I attributed it to regular back pains associated with pregnancy. I was 40 weeks +5 days at this point, but I didn’t think labor would feel this way. I kept switching sides, trying to find a way to sleep, only for the pain to come back in waves again and again. Around 4 am I realized these pains weren’t going to go anywhere, and I knew these were the contractions, even though I could only feel them in my lower back. So at around 5 am, I woke up my hubby and told him. We waited until 6 am to call the midwife, who came to check me. …